TM 1-1520-238-103-18.6Change 33.7B RADIO SET RT-1518C/ARC-164 HAVEQUICK II(HQ II) RADIOThe RT–1518C/ARC–164 HQ II radio provides a LiquidCrystal Display (LCD) (Green Lt) for channel, frequencyindicators, and operator prompts; a zeroize switch fea-ture; and an electronic Fill Port data loading capability.3.7B.1 Antenna. The UHF-AM antenna (fig 3-1) is lo-cated on the bottom center fuselage area and is mounteddirectly aft of the doppler fairing.3.7B.2 Controls and Functions.Controls for theRT–1518C/ARC-164 are on the front panel of the unit (fig3-7). The function of each control is described in table 3-6.CAUTIONThe AN/ARC–164 radio must be placed inthe VERIFY/OPERATE mode before oper-ating in the Have Quick mode. This willprevent the radio from locking up anddamaging the equipment.3.7B.3 Modes of Operation.a. Power Up. All segments of both displays light upmomentarily on power up and a series of beeps may beheard. If the frequency/status indicator displays a fre-quency after power up, the radio is in the VERIFY/OPER-ATE mode. Proceed to step 5. If M–LOAD, FMT.CHGorERASEis displayed, proceed as follows:1. CHAN switch – Set to channel 20.2. Frequency switches – Set to 220.000 on thefrequency/status indicator.3. Function Selector switch – PRESET.4. Lift access cover and press LOAD button. Theradio is now in the VERIFY/OPERATE mode.5. Function Selector switch – MNL or PRESET.6. Select desired frequency or channel.7. Mode Selector switch – OFF.b. Normal Operation. The radio set has the follow-ing modes of operation:(1) MAIN mode:Two-way voice communication.(2) BOTH mode:Allows using the main transceiv-er with constant monitoring of the guard receiv-er.(3) GUARD (GRD) mode:Allows transmissionand reception on guard frequency.(4) Manual (MNL) Mode:Single frequency used.M01-0362FREQUENCY/STATUSINDICATORCHANPRESET CHANNELSELECTOR SWITCHSTATUS BUTTONFREQUENCYSWITCHESFUNCTIONSELECTORSWITCHSQUELCH ON/OFFVOLUME CONTROLKNOBT-TONESWITCHMODESELECTORSWITCHTEST DISPLAYSWITCHMANUALSQUELCHZERO SWITCHFILL PORTACCESSGUARD SQUELCHLOADFigure 3-7.Receiver-Transmitter Radio, RT-1518C/ARC-164
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