TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 4
The missile system prompts presented to the CPG are
shown in either the sight status or weapons status section
of the high action display. Autonomous designation mis-
sile launch prompts are shown in the weapons status sec-
tion: remote designation missile launch prompts are
shown in the sight status section. Autonomous designa-
tion is defined as when the missile code of the priority
channel and the code of the LRF/D are the same and the
selected sight is TADS plus the laser power is turned on.
Remote designation is defined as when the missile code
of the priority channel and the code of the LRF/D are not
the same.
Time of flight is displayed for all missile launches and re-
flects the time of flight for the missile closest to the target.
Temperature compensation is incorporated when calcu-
lating missile time of flight
. Ripple fire engage-
ments have individual time of flight counters displayed,
one for the autonomous missile, and one for the remotely
designated missile, regardless of the order of their launch.
With 45 software the pilot cannot launch missiles for au-
tonomous designation; consequently only one set of
prompts is displayed in the weapons status section of the
high action display
. Time of flight is displayed to the
pilot for any missile that he has launched. With 49 soft-
ware the pilot can conduct autonomous launches. Pilot
prompts and TOF displays remain the same as described
above. Steering commands for the missile constraints box
will be driven by the TADS LOS during LOAL DIR. The
missile constraint steering box will be driven by the NAV
LOS regardless of autonomous or remote moding during
LOAL HI and LOAL LO launches
The sight status section will reflect the codes of the upper
and lower channels, UP=ALO=B; the code of the priority
channel will flash. Authorized engagement ranges for the
Hellfire System are from 500 meters to 8000 meters.
The FCC is the primary bus controller. The FCC controls
all data transmissions on the multiplex bus during normal
operations. The FCC processes and computes data for all
fire control capabilities on board the helicopter (fig 4-8).
The FCC continuously executes internal built-in-tests and
in the event of a failure signals the BBC to assume control
of the bus. The FCC, BBC and FAB MRTUs are turned on
with the switch labeled FCC/MUX ON (fig 4-14). Flight
crew personnel shall ensure that this switch is in the ON
position at all times, except for when applying power to the
aircraft systems when the aircraft has been heat soaked in
direct sunlight for more than 1 hour and the ambient tem-
perature exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit. With these
conditions present, the FCC/MUX switch shall be placed
in the OFF position for at least two minutes after power
has been applied with the FAB fans running in the STBY
position to remove the superheated air from within the crit-
ical LRUs. Otherwise the switch is ON during any ground
or flight operations. The FCC receives 115 vac power from
the No. 1 essential bus and 28 vdc power from the No. 3
essential dc bus and is protected by the FCC AC and FCC
DC circuit breakers located on the CPG circuit breaker
panel. To determine the
FCC software code, place
the DEK to SP1 and enter C. The software code is dis-
played to the right of the dash. To determine the
software code, press the CDU PGM FAB. The software
version is displayed on line 6 of the CDU display.
The BBC is part of the CPG MRTU (fig 4-8). The BBC
monitors the primary bus controller for faults during nor-
mal operations. The BBC automatically assumes control
of the multiplex bus when it senses a failure of the FCC.
The CPG can manually select the BBC as the primary bus
controller by placing the MUX switch on the CPG FIRE
CONTROL panel (fig 4-14) to the SEC position. When the
BBC is the primary bus controller several fire control op-
erational capabilities are not available. They are: Gun and
Rocket ballistic solutions; Fault Detection/Location Sys-
tem; and Waypoint/Targeting. All other fire control capabil-
ities are available and function identically as under FCC
bus control. The BBC receives 28 vdc power from the No.
3 Essential DC bus and is protected by the MUX/CPG cir-
cuit breaker located on the CPG circuit breaker panel. The
status of the BBC is continuously monitored by FD/LS; the
on command test (test 08-MUX) will fault isolate to the
The MUX (fig 4-8) consists of remote terminal (RT) units
and a redundant data bus. The RTs are used to interface
the various subsystems on board the helicopter. Three
helicopter subsystems, the digital automatic stabilization
equipment (DASE), the remote Hellfire electronics (RHE)
unit, and the symbol generator also function as RTs. The
RHE provides multiplex bus interface for the missile sys-
tem electronics. The DASE provides multiplex bus inter-
face for itself, ADSS, transmission and APU FD/LS,
BUCS LVDTs, and the heading attitude reference system.
The symbol generator receives only data from the bus to
use in generation