TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 9
For authorized configurations, refer to figure 7-18
figure 7A-18
In the event of IHADSS failure with gun
selected, the gun will be commanded to
the fixed forward position. Once in this
position, the gun can still be fired with-
out having to reaction the gun.
Prior to initiating AWS FD/LS check, en-
sure the pilot ground override (PLT/GND
ORIDE) switch is in the OFF position.
Failure to perform this action may result
in uncommanded gun turret slewing or
uncommanded gun firing during a AWS
FD/LS manual abort.
If ECP 1206 (Mechanical Gun Stops) is
installed, but not ECP 1251 (Electronic
Gun Stops), the M230E1 AWS may be
used with the following restrictions:
If external tanks are installed, limit
AWS azimuth travel to 45 degrees.
If external tanks are not installed, limit
AWS azimuth travel to 70 degrees.
If both ECPs are installed, the AWS is not
restricted when external tanks are
If neither ECP is installed, the AWS is re-
stricted from use when external tanks
are mounted.
The M-230E1, 30mm gun (fig 4-5) is a single barrel, exter-
nally powered, chain drive weapon using M788/789 or
ADEN/DEFA type ammunition. The 30mm gun is
mounted in a hydraulically driven turret capable of slewing
the gun 100
or 86
left or right of the he-
licopter centerline and up 11 to 60 down. In the event of
loss of hydraulics, the turret will lock in the current azimuth
position and the gun will return to the elevation stow posi-
tion of 11 up. The rate of fire is set for 600 to 650 rounds
per minute. The maximum capacity of the linkless storage
subsystem is 1200 rounds. The FCC limits the fire control
solution to a maximum range of 4000 meters. The maxi-
mum range of the 30mm gun is approximately 4000 me-
ters. The gun duty cycle is as follows:
Failure to adhere to the published gun
duty cycle may result in a catastrophic
failure, loss of aircraft, injury or death.
Six 50 round bursts with 5 seconds between bursts
followed by a 10 minute cooling period.
For BURST LIMITER settings other than 50, the
duty cycle can generalized as no more than 300
rounds fired within 60 seconds before allowing the
gun to cool for 10 minutes, after which the cycle
may be repeated.
4.8.1 AWS Dynamic Harmonization
namic harmonization is the capability of the flight crew to
apply an in flight boresight correction procedure. Dynamic
harmonization corrects for AWS system variations and fir-
ing characteristics for different aircraft and AWS combina-
tions. The procedure involves live-fire of the 30mm gun to
fine tune the system in addition to the CBHK static bore-
Performance of dynamic harmonization is not a require-
ment but a crews option. This procedure is not intended to
replace the CBHK static boresight or proper AWS mainte-
Any modification of boresight correctors must be entered
in the aircraft logbook. Correctors remain in the FCC until
changed via the boresight procedures.