TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 4
3. Place reticle of selected sight on the geo-
graphic feature or object of previously entered
coordinate data.
4. UPDT/ST UPDT. (The aircraft present position
is calculated automatically, based on the pre-
viously entered coordinate data.)
b. Recall Updated Helicopter Present Position.
1. Data entry keyboard SP1.
2. Input U (The updated present position data is
automatically displayed.)
c. Update Doppler.
1. Recall updated aircraft present position immedi-
ately after accomplishing update function.
2. Insert the FCC displayed present position into
the doppler using normal procedures.
d. Example of Updated Present Position Data.
1. Input U.
2. Display After Entering: UPDATE
A/C 11S QG56035160
DELEAS = +0065
DELNOR = 0012
3. Which decodes as follows:
Grid Zone 11S
Coordinates QG56035160
Doppler easting error +65 meters
Doppler northing error 12 meters
If the coordinates updated from had not been
previously stored, an attempt to recall the up-
dated present position will result in a NO DATA
message on the display.
4.17.4 Waypoint/Targeting Cueing.
Once waypoint/targeting data has been stored, sightline
cueing or TADS slaving to the stored coordinates can be
accomplished as follows:
a. Sightline Cueing or TADS Slaving.
1. Waypoint/target indexer Index of desired coor-
dinate data.
2. Acquisition Select TGT or NAV.
3. Slave button Press.
a. If the selected sight was TADS, TADS will be
slaved so as to place its LOS reticle over the
geographic feature or object on the ground.
b. If the selected sight was other than TADS,
the CPG will be cueing in the normal man-
ner so as to cue the CPG to place the reticle
of his selected sight over the geographic
feature or object.
b. Recall Range and Bearing, Helicopter Present
Position to Stored Coordinate Data.
1. Data entry keyboard TGT.
2. Input Rn. (Where n = coordinate data storage
c. Example.
1. Input R3.
2. After entering, display shows 3R 15990
B042.4 degrees.
Which decodes as follows:
a. Waypoint/target storage (index) No.3.
b. Range, helicopter to coordinate data
15990 meters.
c. Bearing, helicopter to coordinate data
042.4 degrees.
If no previously stored coordinate data
exists in the index location selected, a
message NO DATA will be displayed.
The range and bearing function can be
accomplished at any time after storing
waypoint/target data.
Maximum possible displayed range for
this function is 32000 meters.