TM 1-1520-238-10
Section I.
This chapter provides information required for helicopter
loading and computing weight and balance. This chapter
contains sufficient instructions and data so that an aviator,
knowing the basic weight and moment of the helicopter,
can compute any combination of weight and balance us-
ing the prescribed Army charts and forms.
The Army AH-64A helicopter is in Class 2. Additional di-
rectives governing weight and balance of Class 2 aircraft
forms and records are contained in AR 95-1.
The helicopter has many compartments (fig 6-1). Most of
them contain electronic or other equipment. The bound-
aries of all compartments and a listing of the equipment in
each compartment are provided in the helicopter records
Chart A Basic Weight Checklist, DD Form 365-1. The
compartments of primary concern to the pilot, when load-
ing, are the CPG and pilot crew stations, left aft storage
bay, and survival kit bay. These compartments may con-
tain personal items or extra equipment not accounted for
in basic weight. (Refer to paragraph 6.18). Any additional
items must be entered on the Weight and Balance Form F
(DD 365-4).
6.3.1 CPG Crew Station.
The CPG station extends
from station 35.5 to station 115.0. The CPG nominal cen-
troid is at station 82.2, but the seat can be adjusted so the
CPG centroid can vary from station 81.9 to 82.8. This pro-
duces a small moment variation and should be ignored.
6.3.2 Pilot Crew Station.
The pilot station extends
from station 115.0 to station 168.0. The pilot nominal cen-
troid is at station 143.3, but the seat can be adjusted so
the pilot centroid can vary from station 142.8 to 143.8.
This produces a small moment change and should be ig-
6.3.3 Left Aft Storage Bay.
The aft storage bay is on
the left side from fuselage station 280.0 to 310.0 and can
be loaded to 15 pounds per square foot with a capacity of
60 pounds. The floor area is approximately 4.16 square
feet and the volume is approximately 21 cubic feet. Floor
tiedown fittings are in place to accommodate the flyaway
6.3.4 Survival Kit Bay.
The survival kit bay is reached
from either side. From fuselage station 310.0 to 340.0, it
can be loaded to 15 pounds per square foot with a capac-
ity of 100 pounds. A single concentrated load of 45
pounds with a load density of 45 pounds per square foot
may be carried. The floor area is approximately 7.3
square feet and the volume is approximately 17 cubic feet.
Floor tiedown fittings are in place to accommodate the
survival kit.
When loading these two bays, check for ex-
ceeding the aft cg limit.