TM 1-1520-238-10
Section II.
This section contains information needed to compute the
weight and balance for an individual helicopter by using
the prescribed standard charts and forms.
6.5.1 Basic Weight.
The normal basic weight of this
helicopter includes wing pylons, all fixed operating equip-
ment, 30mm gun, all oil, and trapped fuel. It is only neces-
sary to add the variables or expendables to these items
for the missions.
The basic weight of the helicopter will vary
with mission requirements and structural
modifications such as addition or removal of
wing pylons, peculiar kits, 30mm gun, turret,
ammo handling system, etc. A continuing
record of an individual helicopters basic
weight is maintained on Chart C Basic
Weight and Balance Record, DD Form
6.5.2 Operating Weight.
The operating weight of the
helicopter is the basic weight plus those variables which
remain substantially constant for a particular mission.
These items include crew, baggage, rocket launchers,
Hellfire launchers, and any emergency or extra equipment
that may be required.
6.5.3 Gross Weight.
The gross weight is the total
weight of the helicopter and its contents.
6.6.1 Reference Datum.
The reference datum is an
imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal dis-
tances are measured (in inches) for balance purposes.
6.6.2 Arm.
For balance purposes, the term ARM is the
horizontal distance (in inches) from the reference datum
to the center of gravity of a given item. For special cases,
ARM can be determined from figure 6-1. For the AH-64A
helicopter, ARM and fuselage station (FS) are the same.
6.6.3 Moment.
Moment is the weight of an item multi-
plied by its arm. For the AH-64A helicopter, moment divid-
ed by 100 (moment/100) is used to simplify calculations
by reducing the number of digits.
Throughout this chapter, moment/100 fig-
ures have been rounded off to the nearest
whole number. When moments from other
sources are being used,they must be divid-
ed by 100 and rounded off.
6.6.4 Average Arm.
Average arm is the arm obtained
by adding the weights and the moments of a number of
items and dividing the total moment by the total weight.
6.6.5 Basic Moment.
Basic moment is the sum of the
moments of all items making up the basic weight with re-
spect to the helicopter reference datum.
6.6.6 Center of Gravity (CG).
Center of gravity is the
point about which the helicopter would balance if sus-
pended. Distance from the reference datum is found by di-
viding the total moment by the gross weight of the helicop-
6.6.7 CG Limits.
The cg limits are the extremes of
movement to which the helicopter cg can travel without
endangering controllability or structural integrity. The cg of
the loaded helicopter must remain within these limits at
takeoff, throughout flight, and during landing.
The loading data in this chapter is intended to provide in-
formation necessary to work loading problems for the heli-
copter. From this data, weight and moment/100 are ob-
tained for all variable load items and are added to the
current basic weight and moment/100 from Chart C (DD
Form 365-3) to determine the gross weight and mo-
ment/100 using Form F (DD Form 365-4). The effect on
helicopter cg of expending the fuel and armament in a log-
ical sequence may be checked by subtracting the weight
and moment/100 of each item from the takeoff gross
weight and moment/100; then, checking the new moment
(or helicopter cg) with the cg limits chart. This check
should be made to determine if the cg will remain within
limits during the entire flight. Refer to paragraph 6.10 for
helicopter cg management.
Chart C is a continuous history of the basic weight and
moment resulting from structural and equipment changes
in service. At all times, the last weight and moment/100
entries are considered the current weight and balance
status of the basic helicopter.