TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 10
9.5.4 Dual Engine Failure.
In the event of an inadvertent activa-
tion of the engine chop collar, initial in-
dications from NP and Nr could be in-
terpreted as a dual engine failure.
Indications of engine chop collar ac-
tivation are the ENGINE CHOP light il-
luminates and engine idle indications
on the NG, TGT and NP. There is NO illu-
mination of the ENGINE OUT 1 or 2
lights on the MASTER CAUTION panel.
If both engines fail, immediate action is required to
make a safe autorotative descent. The altitude and air-
speed at which a two engine failure occurs will dictate
the action to be taken. After the failure, main rotor rpm
will decay rapidly and the aircraft will yaw to the left. Un-
less a two-engine failure occurs near the ground, it is
mandatory that autorotation be established immediate-
ly. At gross weights above 15,000 lbs, immediate con-
sideration should be given to jettisoning the external
wing stores. During cruise at airspeeds to Vne, reduce
collective immediately to regain Nr and then adjust as
required to maintain rpm. The cyclic should be adjusted
as necessary to attain and maintain airspeed in the opti-
mum range (fig 9-3). An airspeed between 64 and 98
KIAS should be maintained except for high altitude high
gross weight conditions where the maximum allowable
autorotation airspeed should be maintained if it is less
than 64 KIAS. A landing area must be selected immedi-
ately after both engines fail, and control inputs must be
made to fly to the intended site. Throughout the de-
scent, adjust collective as necessary to maintain Nr
within normal range. At high gross weights, the rotor
may tend to overspeed and the collective must be used
to maintain the desired rotor rpm (fig 5-1). Nr should be
maintained at or slightly above 100% to allow ample rpm
before touchdown, and heading maintained by pedals.
Main rotor rpm will increase momentarily when the cy-
clic is moved aft with no change in collective pitch set-
ting. An autorotative rpm of approximately 100% pro-
vides for a good rate of descent. Nr above 100% may
result in a higher than desired rate of descent. At 100 to
125 feet AGL, use aft cyclic to decelerate. This reduces
airspeed and rate of descent and causes an increase in
Nr. The degree of increase depends upon the amount
and rate of deceleration. An increase in Nr can be desir-
able in that more inertial energy in the rotor system will
be available to cushion the landing. Ground contact
should be made with some forward speed. If a rough
landing is selected, a more pronounced deceleration is
necessary and touchdown speed should approach zero.
It is possible that during the autorotative approach, the
situation may require additional deceleration. In that
case, it is necessary to assume a landing attitude at a
higher altitude than normal. Should both engines fail at
low airspeed, initial collective reduction may vary widely.
The objective is to reduce collective as necessary to
maintain Nr within normal range. In some instances at
low altitude or low airspeed, settling may be so rapid
that little can be done to avoid a hard-impact landing. In
that case, it is critical to maintain a level landing attitude.
Cushion the landing with remaining collective as heli-
copter settles to the ground.
9.5.5 Dual Engine Failure Low Altitude/Low Air-
speed and Cruise.
2. Chop Collar Reset (only if ENGINE CHOP
light is illuminated)
3. STORES JETT switches Activate as desired
(time permitting)
9.5.6 High RPM Rotor (Warning Light On) NP Failed
1. Collective Adjust to Maintain Nr within limits.
If condition persists:
2. PWR lever (affected engine) Retard to
equalize torque on both engines.
9.5.7 Low RPM Rotor (Warning Light On) NP Failed
1. Collective Adjust to Maintain Nr within limits.
If condition persists:
2. PWR lever (affected engine) LOCKOUT
then retard to equalize torque output of both
Advancing the PWR lever of the engine
with low torque and TGT to LOCKOUT
locks out the signal from the ECU
. The engine must be
controlled manually to ensure that it
does not exceed operating limits.
LOW ROTOR RPM indications may be
the result of one or both 701 or 701C
engines having entered a perfor-
mancelimiting condition. Refer to
paragraph 9.5 Engine Failure and En-
gine Power Loss.
If manual control is not possible:
3. PWR lever (affected engine) IDLE.