TM 1-1520-238-10Change 99-59.5 ENGINE FAILURE AND ENGINE POWERLOSS–GENERAL.The various conditions under which an engine may fail orexperience a power loss, prevent a standard procedurefor all cases. A thorough knowledge of both emergencyprocedures and flight characteristics will enable the pilotto respond correctly and automatically in an emergency.Engines may fail partially, or performance limit, and thedegree of the failure/amount of power loss is factored intocrewmember response. The engine instruments oftenprovide ample warning of an impeding failure by deviatingfrom normal indications. An impending engine TGT limiteractivation will not provide any cues prior to functioning.During performance–limiting the engine(s) will continue todisplay normal Ng and oil pressure indications, and aspower demand increases, Np and Nr will collectivelydecay, TGT will remain at the engine limiter setting andtorque indications will vary as a result of collective manip-ulation. Engine failure is normally indicated by a rapiddrop in Ng, Np, torque, TGT, oil pressure, and the symbol-ic torque value will flash when there is a difference intorque greater than 12% between both engines. The EN-GINE OUT 1or 2warning lights will illuminate and an au-dio signal will be heard through both headsets.A partial engine power loss may follow certain mechanicalfailures, such as an ECU/DECU malfunction, or an opera-tor may induce demands that exceed an engine’s perfor-mance capabilities. An engine’s performance may envi-ronmentally (high ambient temperature, high pressurealtitude/gross weight) limit as a result of: 1) TGT, 2) fuelflow and 3) Ng speed. When a loss of rotor RPM and/or aperformance limitation is encountered, the pilot on thecontrols should immediately: 1) Adjust the collective tomaintain Nr within limits and as the condition warrants, 2)jettison the aircraft wing stores. The jettisoning of the wingstores will immediately reduce the aircraft’s gross weight,power requirements and minimum single–engine air-speed values. Additionally, at low airspeeds the pilot onthe controls should coordinate flight into the prevailingwind. When practical, consideration may be given to mak-ing a right banking turn and/or a right pedal turn to aid inreducing the immediate power requirements. A left bank-ing turn or left pedal turn will require more power. Properuse and understanding of performance planning calcula-tions will significantly reduce the potential for inducing en-gine performance limiting factors. Caution must be exer-cised when operating close to an engine performancelimit. For example, when operating near the dual engineTGT limiter setting, a gust of wind from the aircraft’s rearor left or an activation of the engine anti–ice could result ina reduction of available power. The aircrew should not en-gage attitude/hover hold when operating near the dual en-gine TGT limiter setting.When an engine fails completely, the engine PWR leverand FUEL panel switch of the failed engine should beturned OFF. The reduction required in collective after en-gine failure will vary with altitude and airspeed at the timeof failure. For example, the collective should not be re-duced when an engine fails while the helicopter is hover-ing below 15 feet. During cruise flight, when altitude andairspeed permit a significant reduction in collective pitch,Nrcan be restored to 100% before landing. During single-engine flight or during autorotation airspeed should bekept at the optimum. Optimum autorotation airspeeds areshown in figure 9-3. In autorotation, as airspeed increasesabove 70 – 80 KIAS, the rate of descent and glide dis-tance increase significantly. As airspeed decreases below64 KIAS, the rate of descent will increase and glide dis-tance will decrease. Autorotation during an out-of-trimcondition will increase the rate of descent and decreasethe glide distance.9.5.1 Engine Failure Flight Characteristics.Theflight characteristics and the required crewmember con-trol response after a dual engine failure are similar tothose during a normal power-on descent. Full control ofthe helicopter can be maintained during autorotational de-scent. When one engine has failed, completely or partially,the helicopter can often maintain altitude and airspeed un-til a suitable landing site can be selected. Whether or notthis is possible becomes a function of such combined vari-ables as aircraft weight, density altitude and airspeed atthe time of the engine failure. The jettisoning of wingstoreswill immediately reduce the aircraft’s gross weight, powerrequirements, and minimum single engine airspeed val-ues. Crewmember response time and control techniquemay be additional factors.9.5.2 Single Engine Failure.CAUTIONPrior to movement of either PWR lever, itis imperative that the malfunctioning en-gine and the corresponding PWR leverbe identified.Proper response to an engine failure depends on variousfactors: density altitude, airspeed, aircraft weight, singleengine performance, and environmental conditions. TheSAFEregion in the height velocity diagram (fig 9-2) de-fines the airspeed (in Knots Indicated Airspeed–KIAS)and wheel-height combinations at various gross weight
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