TM 1-1520-238-10Change 109-219.16.5 DELETED.9.16.6 Symbol Generator Failure.Failure of thesymbol generator will result in the loss of video to theVDU and video recorder. Both the PLT and CPG HDUswill automatically revert to PNVS FLIR-2 (PNVS videowith no symbology). The ORT, HOD or HDD, as se-lected, will automatically revert to TADS FLIR-2 (TADSFLIR video). If the CPG VID SEL switch is positioned toTADS, the LOS reticle and the IAT gates (if operational)symbology from the TEU will be displayed. If the CPGVID SELswitch is set to PNVS, these symbols will notbe displayed. The AND display will continue to operatenormally. The pilot may continue flight in a degradedmode without flight or weapon symbology. The CPGmay continue weapons engagement in a degradedmode without range information.9.16.7 TADS Electronic Unit (TEU) Failure.Com-plete failure of the TEU will cause the CPG’s displays tolose imagery and the AND to blank. The pilot may belimited to 75 degrees in azimuth on the PNVS and themessage PNVS DIRECT will be displayed in the HADsight status section.9.16.8 FLIR Cooler Failure.Failure of the PNVS orTADS FLIR cooler normally occurs during FLIR cool-down prior to flight. However, the cooler may fail in flight.Cooler failures are indicated by a loss of resolution onthe FLIR. Resolution loss occurs gradually initially, andbecomes more rapid as detector temperatures increaseuntil resolution is lost completely. In the event of a PNVScooler failure, proceed as indicated in PNVS failureemergency.9.16.9 FCC Failure.Failure of the FCC (primaryMUX BUS Controller) will be indicated by illumination ofthe MASTER CAUTION and PRI MUX caution segmentlights in the pilot and CPG stations. MUX BUS controlwill be automatically assumed by the BBC. In addition tothe degradations listed in Chapter 4, the following ef-fects will be present: DASE channels may disengagecausing temporary instability; range inputs thru the DEKrange page will be accepted but will have no effect onordnance delivery; laser designator codes may nottransfer to BBC registers and boresight correction datawill not be available in the BBC. In the event of a PRIMUXfailure, DASE channels should be re-engaged.The MUX switch should be placed in SEC. If weaponssystem use is necessary, correct laser codes should beconfirmed and outfront boresight alignment should bechecked prior to weapons systems engagements.
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