TM 1-1520-238-109-16Change 99.10.7 Aborting Engine Start.WARNINGAborted engine starts may causefuel to collect in the engine nacelle. Sub-sequent engine starts may be attemptedonly after the nacelle door/work platformis opened and the nacelle inspected forfuel. If during the initial start an abnormalTGT rise was evident, or fuel is evident inthe nacelle, the ignition system shall bechecked IAW standard maintenance pro-cedures.CAUTIONAbort Start for any of the following rea-sons:If it becomes apparent that TGT willexceed 852C before NG idle speed(63% or more) is attained.If TGT does not increase within 45 sec-onds after moving PWR lever to IDLE.If no Np within 45 seconds after mov-ing PWR lever to IDLE unless rotor islocked.If positive oil pressure indication doesnot occur within 45 seconds aftermoving PWR lever to IDLE.ENG START light extinguishes prior to52% NG.Abort start procedures are as follows:1. PWR lever – OFF.2. ENG START switch –IGN OVRD for 30 sec-onds or until TGT is below 540 C.9.11 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FAILURES.CAUTIONIn the event any circuit breaker opens forunknown reasons, do not attempt to re-set the breaker more than one time. Re-peated tripping of a circuit breaker is anindication of a possible problem withequipment or electrical wiring. Multipleattempts to reset the circuit breaker mayresult in equipment damage and/or anelectrical fire.NOTEIf generator fails in flight do not placegenerator switch of failed generator intest position.During an electrical system malfunctionand operating on EMERG BATT power,the HSI/RMI will not provide adequate in-dications to the station.9.11.1 GEN 1 and GEN 2 Caution Light On.NOTEIn the event both generators are lost, turnoff all unnecessary equipment on theemergency bus to conserve battery pow-er. Battery power, assuming a 90%charge, is normally sufficient for 12 min-utes emergency bus operation. When thebattery heater is inoperative/discon-nected and operating at temperaturesbelow –30 C (–22 F), power may onlybe available for one minute of emergencyoperation.Selectable stores jettison will not functionin the event of a dual generator failure.1. GEN switches 1 and 2 – OFF/RESET – GEN.If power is not restored:2. GEN switches – OFF.3. LAND AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE.
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