TM 1-1520-238-231-521.19.DEFUELING – SINGLE POINT ADAPTER (SPA) METHOD – continuedm. Drain aft and forward sumps.NOTEThis task is typical for aft and forwardtanks.(1) Place pail under fuel cell sump drain hoses(16).(2) Ground pail to airframe.(3) Push and hold PUSH-TO-DRAIN button (17).(4) Dispose of drained fuel.NOTEApply a thin coat of lubricating oil(item 117, App F) to inner liner if the fuelcell is to remain empty more than 10 days(TM 1-1500-204-23).n. Remove static ground lines (FM 10-68).o. Secure doors R160 and R295; install coverR180 (para 2.2).END OF TASKM04-1594-101617
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