TM 1-1520-238-231-1961.57.HELICOPTER SAFETY PROCEDURES – continued90ºPILOT STATION10121212121311M04-1638-111.57.4. PilotStationSafea. Enter pilot station (para 1.56). Observe all safety precautions.b. Insert safety pin in pilot canopy jettison handle on instrument panel upper left side (10).NOTESteps c, d, and e are for BUCS activated helicopters only.Apply hydraulic pressure to helicopter before installing or removing ground locks.c. Install tail rotor pedal ground locks (11). Unlock the pedal adjust; move the pedals all the way forward insertlocks through brushes and cutouts in floor and rest on shelf. Move pedals aft until fork tightly engages tail rotorpedal support assembly immediately below the skirt, lock the pedal adjust.d. Insert cyclic ground lock pins (12).e. Position collective stick full down and apply full friction lock (13). GO TO NEXT PAGE
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