TM 1-1520-238-23
Glossary 8
Abrasive Rough (sandpaper, emery paper, file, etc.).
Access Entrance or opening through which to reach equipment.
Actuated Moved or put into action.
Aft Rear.
ALCLAD Bonded plating on aluminum sheet.
Aline To position an item or mark to line up with another.
Ambient Surrounding atmosphere.
Amplifier Increases sound, light, etc.
Anvil Hard-faced surface upon which something is hammered or pressed.
Applicable Relative to, matching, associated with, connected.
Ascent Upward movement.
Audible Sound that can be heard.
Audio Sound reproduction.
Augment To increase, make more of, to add.
Auxiliary Extra or reserve unit or source.
Bay A place on the helicopter that houses systems, parts, or components.
Binds Does not move freely.
Bulkhead Wall that separates bays or compartments.
Bus A point that receives many electrical connections either for grounding or carrying a signal to further points.
Bushing A round, removable part inserted in an opening to limit size, eliminate abrasion on parts passing through
it, or to serve as a guide.
Buttline Distance left or right of the helicopter centerline.