TM 1-1520-238-23
Glossary 12
Remote A considerable distance away but in communication range.
Retaining Describes a device or part that holds or restrains.
Scoring Lines, grooves, or scratches worn into a surface.
Seat Special surface or recess in which a part functions or rests. To place a part on that surface or recess.
Secondary Subordinate. Not first in order of importance or function.
Sequence The order in which things occur or are done.
Shim A thin piece of material used to fill in space between parts for support, leveling, or adjustment.
Stable Steady, dependable, not subject to changing course.
Stability Steadiness, dependability.
Standby A device or system ready for operational use but held in reserve.
Station Positions on the helicopter measured from a point in front of the nose.
Surge Sudden rise.
Swivel To rotate in place.
System A group of parts working together.
Torque Measurement of the tightness of threaded hardware. A torque wrench is used to measure (and control) the
tightness of bolts, screws, nuts,etc.
Troubleshooting Steps to locate and correct problems in systems.
Union A point of connection where items are joined.
Utility Serves for general, rather than special, use.
Vertical Straight up and down; 90 degrees to the horizon.
Waterline Distance from a point below the helicopter parallel to the fuselage center line.