TM 1-1520-238-23Change 92-3192.89.FORWARD LEFT OR RIGHT CENTER TRANSMISSION ROTOR SUPPORT STRUT ASSEMBLIESREMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued(4) Install washer (15) and nut (13) finger tight.Use box wrench.(5) Hold bolt (14). Use box wrench.(6) Torque nut (13) to 3360 INCH-POUNDS. Usetorque wrench, adapter, and 5-inchextension.(7) Increase torque to aline cotter pin hole, but donot exceed 3640 INCH-POUNDS.(8) Install new cotter pin (12).b. Install strut (3) on deck (7). Torque bolt (8) to1900 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Apply anti–seize compound to bolt (8).(2) Install bolt (8) through washer (9) and strut (3)in deck (7). Use telescopic bar and mastsupport wrench.(3) Torque bolt (8) to 1900 INCH-POUNDS. Usetorque wrench and mast support wrench.(4) Lockwire bolt (8) to strut (3). Use wire(item 226, App F).c. Install clamps (1) and (2) on strut (3).(1) Install screw (4) through clamps (1) and (2).(2) Install washer (6) and nut (5).d. Inspect (QA).e. Install right forward side transmission rotorsupport strut assembly (para 2.93).f. Remove maintenance crane (para 1.105).g. Remove air vehicle sling (para 1.79).h. Install air data system (ADS) mast (para 6.90).i. Install left forward side transmission rotorsupport strut assembly (para 2.92).j. Install main deck fire/overheat detector (para12.32).k. Install access panels L200 and R200 (para2.2).END OF TASKM04-1462-8131412M04-1462-77398M04-1462-9631245
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