TM 1-1520-238-23
Change 8
g. Check for cracks along all stringers attached to frames F.S. 530 and F.S. 547, especially within 6
INCHES of frame attachment points.
2.102.4. Vertical Stabilizer
a. Check skin panels, access covers, door, and fairings for corrosion, cracks, tears, punctures, and loose
or missing fasteners.
(1) Check for cracked or chipped paint around rivet heads. Use a 5X magnifier.
b. Check fittings, castings, and forgings for corrosion and cracks.
c. Check structural attachment points for evidence of wear due to movement. None allowed.
d. Check entire length of all stringers under vertical stabilizer mounts for cracks and working rivets.
(1) Clean paint area. Use dishwashing compound (item 72, App F) and sponge (item 190, App F).
(2) Check cleaned area for cracked paint around perimeter and head of rivets. Use 5X magnifier.
e. Check for working or missing rivets.
(1) If working rivets or missing rivets are found, refer to TM 1-1500-204-23.
f. Check for loose or damaged nutplates.
(1) If loose or damaged nutplates are found, refer to TM 1-1500-204-23.
g. Check vertical stabilizer attachment bolts for proper torque.
To check torque on aircraft without elastomeric mounts, perform steps (1), (3), and (4).
To check torque on aircraft with elastomeric mounts, perform steps (2), (3), and (4).
(1) Check torque by applying 975 INCH-POUNDS torque to all vertical stabilizer bolts. Use torque wrench and
(2) Check torque by applying 1385 INCH-POUNDS torque to all vertical stabilizer bolts. Use torque wrench
and adapter.