TM 1-1520-238-23Change 82-3852.107.VERTICAL STABILIZER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedg. If installed, remove two grounding jumpers(14.1) from two terminal studs (14.2).(1) Remove two nuts (14.3) and washers (14.4)from two terminal studs (14.2).(2) Remove two jumpers (14.1) and washers(14.5) from terminal studs (14.2).h. Install aircraft maintenance sling (15) on sta-bilizer (16).(1) Insert and lock four sling quick-release pins(17) in stabilizer pin sockets (18).i. Remove stabilizer (16) from tailboom (3).(1) Position lifting crane aft of helicopter tail.(2) Aline crane hook (19) over tail rotor gearboxarea on stabilizer (16) forward structure.(3) Install crane hook (19) on stabilizer sling lift-ing eye (20).CAUTIONTension sling at this point only enough toremove strap slack. Hoist-loading on sta-bilizer will cause major structural damageif too much tension is applied.(4) Operate crane winch very slowly to removeall slack from sling (15) straps.NOTEIf tailboom has non–elastomericmounts, perform steps (5) and (8)through (9).If tailboom has elastomeric mounts,perform steps (6) through (9).(5) Remove four shear bolts (21) and recessedwashers (22) from stabilizer lugs (23).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-2990-2114.314.114.214.514.41519202223M04-2990-6321161817AIRCRAFT WITHOUT ELASTOMERIC MOUNTS
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