TM 1-1520-238-236-296.6.FORWARD HANGER BEARING COUPLING REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued6.6.3. RemovalCAUTIONDo not allow entire weight of No. 4 tailrotor drive shaft to be supported by afthanger bearing assembly. Support for-ward end of drive shaft while forwardhanger bearing coupling is removed. Ifcoupling is to remain out, remove driveshaft and secure tail rotor to prevent turn-ing. Failure to support drive shaft mayresult in damage to drive shaft and/or for-ward hanger bearing assembly.a. Remove forward hanger bearing coupling (1).(1) Remove five bolts (2) attaching coupling (1)aft flange (3) to No. 4 tail rotor drive shaft (4).(2) Remove five bolts (5) attaching coupling (1)forward flange (6) to hanger bearing outputflange (7).(3) Remove coupling (1).b. Remove two antiflail bearing sleeves (8) and(9) from coupling (1).(1) Remove nut (10).(2) Remove washer (11), bearing sleeves (8) and(9), and washer (12) from bolt (13).(3) Remove bolt (13) from coupling (1).6.6.4. Cleaninga. Clean removed and attaching parts or sur-faces (para 1.47).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-0439-1NO. 4TAIL ROTOR DRIVE SHAFT57412M04-0439-263M04-0439-413121011189
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