TM 1-1520-238-236-746.12.INTERMEDIATE GEARBOX CENTRIFUGAL FAN, INPUT COUPLING, AND FLANGEREMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedNOTEThe following inspection procedures apply to the flange.d. Check for corrosion, nicks, gouges, and burrs.(1) Except for drive flange packing groove and external splines, nicks, gouges, and burrs 0.020 INCH in depthor less may be repaired by blending.e. Check packing groove for corrosion, nicks, gouges, and burrs.(1) Repair damage 0.004 INCH in depth or less by blending at a 30:1 to 50:1 transition ratio if before blending,damage does not exceed 20 percent of surface area. Do not exceed the depth of the original damage.f. Check external splines for pitting, scuffing, scoring, or spalling. None allowed.g. Check expansion plug inside flange shaft. No looseness allowed.h. Check identification markings. Must be legible.NOTEThe following inspection procedures apply to the centrifugal fan.i. Check for nicks, gouges, and burrs.(1) Damage is limited to a total of four blades which must be spaced 90 degrees apart, or three blades whichmust be spaced 120 degrees apart, or two blades which must be spaced 180 degrees apart.(2) Damage must not exceed 15 percent of material thickness or 0.050 INCH depth (whichever is less).NOTEThe following inspection procedures apply to the input coupling.j. Check for scratches, nicks, gouges, and burrs (para 6.1).k. Check for loose or damaged nutplates (para 6.1).GO TO NEXT PAGE
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