TM 1-1520-238-236-1226.24.ENGINE NOSE GEARBOX BREATHER REPLACEMENT – continued6.24.3. Removala. Remove breather (1) from engine nose gear-box (2).(1) Remove lockwire from breather (1).(2) Remove breather (1) from gearbox (2). Usesocket.(3) Discard breather (1) and packing (3).6.24.4. Cleaninga. Clean breather mounting area on engine nosegearbox housing(para 1.47).6.24.5. InspectionNOTEUnless otherwise specified, the followinginspection procedures apply to thebreather mounting area on the enginenose gearbox housing.a. Check for cracks. None allowed.b. Check scratches, nicks, gouges, and burrs(para 6.17).c. Check for broken or damaged cooling fins(para 6.17).d. Check stripped, crossed, or flattened threads.None allowed.e. Check for corrosion and erosion of surfacefinish(para 1.49).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-0527-2123
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