TM 1-1520-238-236-1986.40.ENGINE NOSE GEARBOX PRELOAD SHIM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION (AVIM) – continuedb. Check preload shim for scratches, nicks,gouges, burrs, and corrosion.(1) Repair damaged areas measuring 0.030INCHdeep or less by blending. Use depthgage.CAUTIONExercise extreme care and accuracywhen taking measurements to deter-mine if removed preload shim is withintolerance limitations. Correct thick-ness of preload shim is critical to prop-er operation of engine nose gearbox.Do not reuse removed preload shim ifthickness does not fall within tolerancelimitations. Damage to engine nosegearbox may result.c. Determine if thickness of removed preloadshim is within tolerance.(1) Measure and record thickness of removedpreload shim. Use caliper set.(2) Measure depth from outer face of gearboxhousing (3) to outer race of installed duplexbearing (4). Use depth gage.(a) Record as dimension A.(3) Measure height from flange mating surface(5) to bottom surface (6) of retainer (7). Usecaliper set.(a) Record as dimension B.(4) Subtract dimension B from dimension A andadd 0.004 INCH to answer.(a) Record as dimension C.GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-3812-2AB34765
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