TM 1-1520-238-237-186Change 77.46.LATERAL SERVOCYLINDER ROD END REPLACEMENT – continuedNOTEIf servocylinder dust boot is installed, per-form step c. If boot is not installed, go tostep d.c. Slide boot (9.1) away from servocylinder pis-ton rod (9) to get access to lock (11).d. Remove rod end (1) from piston rod (9) withnut (10) and lock (11) installed.(1) Remove lockwire from nut (10) and lock (11).(2) Hold piston rod (9). Use crowfoot.(3) Loosen nut (10). Use box wrench.(4) Remove rod end (1).e. Remove nut (10) and lock (11) from rod end(1).7.46.4. Cleaninga. Wipe removed and attaching parts with aclean rag.7.46.5. Inspectiona. Check bellcrank, self-retaining bolt, pistonrod, bushing, nut, and lock for cracks andstripped or damaged threads (para 7.1).b. Check removed and attaching parts for corro-sion (para 1.49).7.46.6. Installationa. Coat threads (12) of rod end (1). Use grease(item 87, App F).b. Install lock (11) and nut (10) on rod end (1).(1) Insert lock (11) inside nut (10).(2) Aline lock (11) with machined slot (13) on rodend (1). Screw lock (11) and nut (10) on rodend (1).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-2645-6A21101199.1M04-2645-7121011311
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