TM 1-1520-238-23
d. Check electrical connections and switches for loose, cut, worn, chafed, and frayed wires. None allowed.
Check security of all connections.
e. Check electrical connectors for cracks and damaged threads. No cracks allowed. Thread damage not to
exceed 50 percent of one thread.
f. Check all electrical connectors for distorted, burned, corroded or bent contacts. None allowed.
g. Check all tubes for deformation, worn chafing strips, dents, cracks, breaks, and leaks. Check security of
all connections.
(1) Cracked or deformed tubing, nuts, and unions require tube replacement.
(2) Dents of more than 20 percent of tube diameter require tube replacement.
(3) Nicks or chafing of more than 10 percent of tube wall thickness requires tube replacement.
(4) Wear exceeding 0.020 INCH requires chafing strip replacement.
h. Check all tube and hose fittings for cracks. None allowed.
i. Check all hoses for fraying, tears, cuts, and evidence of seepage. Check for loose mounting hardware.
Replace damaged or worn hoses.
j. Check for loose, broken, cracked, and distorted clamps. Replace damaged clamps.
k. Check all helicoil inserts for breaks, cracks, chafing, corrosion and security.
(1) No breaks or cracks allowed. Chafing in hook area shall not exceed 0.010 INCH in depth.
(2) Coils that have any corrosion pits shall be replaced.
(3) Coils shall not be sprung; coils must be tight against each other.
l. Check all ratchet sleeve adapters and fittings for broken or missing teeth. None allowed.
m. Check for damage in areas surrounding the fuel system and its parts.
n. Check daily for five days following maintenance which could result in any fuel spill in or above the fuel
cell cavity.
(1) Visually examine helicopter exterior surfaces for signs of fuel. This area is to include ground directly under
forward and aft fuel cells and forward/aft access doors B170 and B250.
(2) Remove ammunition bay access panel B200 (para 2.2).
(3) Check for presence of fuel in forward/aft fuel cell and ammunition bay areas. Strong odor of fuel vapor
indicates fuel and requires corrective action.
(4) Troubleshoot if system leak is found (TM 1-1520-238-T).