TM 1-1520-238-2312-6212.19.APU FIRE PANEL SWITCH REPLACEMENT (AVIM) - continued12.19.4. Cleaninga. Wipe removed and attaching parts with aclean rag.12.19.5. Inspectiona. Check panel for nicks, dents, or cracks (para12.16).b. Check switches for loose terminals, cracks,and signs of overheating (para 12.16).c. Check removed and attaching parts for corro-sion (para 1.49).12.19.6. Installationa. Remove handle from new switch (2) (para12.18).b. Install switch (2) on panel (7).(1) Position switch (2) on panel (7).(2) Install two screws (8).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-2935-17872VIEWROTATED
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