TM 1-1520-238-23
a. When preserving the helicopter, do not stop until each job is finished. Corrosion preventive treatment must be
done immediately after cleaning. If you must stop, use a temporary treatment to keep moisture and corrosion out.
b. At the end of either Short-term or Intermediate storage, the helicopter is made ready for flight.
c. Before engine run-up, preservative shall be removed from the following:
(1) Engine
(2) Main Transmission
(3) Engine Nose Gearboxes
a. Atmospheric conditions and site facilities must be evaluated before the helicopter is stored. Varied storage
conditions may be necessary between flyable and short-term storage for periods of time up to 45 days. The decision
will be based upon availability of manpower, materials, and equipment required to perform ground run-ups, motoring
of engines, defueling and purging of fuel and oils, and other various procedural elements.
b. When possible, the helicopter will be stored in a hangar or building. Otherwise, it will be moored as described
in Chapter 1.
c. Wet weather induces fungi and/or micro-organisms to cause mildew, mold, and microbial corrosion. When
these conditions prevail, corrosion preventive remedial service shall be performed.
d. Non-metallic materials shall be kept as clean and dry as possible.
e. Visible effects of corrosion shall be treated in accordance with paragraph 1.49.
f. Ensure drain holes are free from obstruction and are kept open for duration of the storage periods. Cover drain
holes with screens.
g. Fuel cells must be kept full to prevent condensation.
h. Forced ventilation procedures will minimize occurrence of condensation and microbial corrosion caused by
fungi and/or micro-organisms in the visible formation of mildew, mold, etc.