TM 1-1520-238-MTF
Change 1
Do not exceed 100% torque.
To avoid torque oscillations when
making performance checks, a mini-
mum torque split of 10% must be held
between engines.
Do not reduce the PWR lever to a posi-
tion which will allow less than 60%
torque on the non-test engine. Contin-
gency power is enabled below 51%
torque and will prevent the test engine
from limiting power at the normal dual
engine TGT limiter setting.
e. Establish an ENG-RTR RPM droop
of approximately 2% using either a
small increase in collective pitch or
a small reduction of the PWR lever
on the non-test engine. Either
procedure may be used, but the
ENG-RTR RPM droop confirms that
the test engine is limiting power at
the normal dual engine TGT limiter
setting or due to NG limiting.