TM 1-1520-238-MTF
9. Set ANTI-ICE panel switch to OFF and note the
a. Decrease in TGT to approximate value in
step 6.
b. ANTI-ICE panel ENG INLET advisory light
goes off.
ANTI-ICE panel ENG INLET advisory
light goes off with a delay of approximately
90 seconds.
10. PWR lever, non-test engine FLY. Verify torque
11. Repeat steps 3 thru 10 for other engine.
When using TGT reference table, FAT must
be rounded up and pressure altitude must
be rounded off to the nearest value.
12. Check indicated TGT reference table
5-3) or
(fig 5-4) for TGT corresponding to
the recorded FAT and pressure altitude. Record
in 2 HIT logsheet in helicopter logbook.
Compare indicated TGT 1 with table TGT 2 and
record the TGT margin in HIT 1 logsheet in
helicopter logbook. TGT margin is indicated
TGT 1 minus table TGT 2.
13. Repeat step 12 for other engine.
14. If TGT margin is within acceptance limits (refer
to HIT logbook), engine performance is
satisfactory. If margin is 5 C or less from the
limit, make appropriate entry in remarks section
of DA form 2408-13.
15. If TGT margin is out of limits, repeat check. Be
sure all procedures are followed.