TM 1-1520-238-MTF4-28N. AUDIO WARNING SYSTEM OPERATIONALCHECK.NOTEAll or part of this check may be required.The actual check may be broken into sever-al parts and completed when convenient.However, the applicable portions of thecheck will be completed prior to flight.1. Engine out audio warning – Check as follows:Before starting APU – Pilot/CPG.a. BATT/EXT PWR switch – BATT or EXTPWRas required.b. Engine out audio – Verify present in bothheadsets, then reset.2. Stabilator fail audio warning – Check as follows:After starting APU – Pilot/CPG.a. STAB AUTO ACcircuit breaker – Pull.Verify stabilator fail audio is present in bothheadsets. Reset using pilots stabilatorRESETbutton.b. STAB AUTO AC circuit breaker – Reset.Then pull. Verify same as step a. Resetusing CPGs stabilator RESET button.3. HIGH RPM ROTOR warning light – Check asfollows:After starting engines – Pilot/CPG.CAUTIONDelaying decrease of PWR lever may re-sult in an engine/rotor overspeed.
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