TM 1-1520-238-MTF
Change 3
In EGI equipped aircraft, if NAV STAT 1 is
displayed, bypass step (b).
(b) Update Complete; verify distance
to go display resets to zero (0).
(c) Select next waypoint; record
Navigation system computed
distance to waypoint.
(d) Navigation system steering Fly to
next waypoint by tracking steering
The altitudes, airspeeds and maneuvering
limitations observed on the first navigation
leg apply to all navigation legs. Upon reach-
ing the initial departure waypoint, reverse
the order in which the waypoints were flown.
This will result in a total of six (6) sets of data
recorded upon return to home station.
3. Post Flight Check.
a. Shutdown checklist Complete.
b. Analysis calculations Complete.
4. Analysis Calculations.
Perform the following calculations for each leg flown.
The example calculations use coordinates
32460360 and 22222830. Substitute actual
data for each of the six legs and perform the
required calculations using the methods