TM 1-1520-238-PM
All faults and deficiencies discovered during the inspection will be recorded on DA Form 2408-13-1/2408-13-1-E. The status symbols used are
the same as those defined in DA PAM 738-751. The status symbol shall be entered by the person(s) performing the inspection and is determined by the type of fault
that is found. Do not enter a horizontal dash () on the checksheet merely to show a particular inspection requirement is due. If an inspection reveals no fault, a status
symbol will not be entered. The person clearing the fault shall place his last name initial over the status symbol. A red X or a circled red X symbol will not be initialed
over until after the corrective action has been approved and signed off by a Technical Inspector or designated supervisor.
Fault entries in the Faults and/or Remarks column shall be brief remarks which describe the conditions resulting from the inspection
and which require corrective action. The initials of the person making the entry will be entered immediately after the entry. If no fault is found, this column will be left
a. Entries in the Action Taken column shall be brief remarks which describe the action taken to correct the fault described in the adjacent Faults and/or Remarks
column. When faults are assigned a red X status, the corrective action shall be inspected and signed off by the Technical Inspector or designated supervisor.
b. If no fault was found, an appropriate remark shall be entered in this column to indicate that the inspection was accomplished, e. g., Inspected and found OK.
If an inspection item is not applicable to the particular inspection phase number in work or to specific equipment installed on an individual aircraft, a N/A entry is
required. The initials of the person making the entry shall be entered in the Initial column.
The person correcting the indicated fault shall enter his initials in the initial column opposite the first line of the Action Taken entry.
After all corrective actions have been completed and following completion of the phased inspection, the Technical Inspector or
designated supervisor shall verify that all applicable forms and records have been properly updated. All uncorrected faults shall be entered on DA Form 2408-13,
prepared for that date or to the DA Form 2408-14. A Final Records Checklist (table I) is provided to ensure forms and records have been inspected for completeness
and accuracy prior to release of the aircraft from the phased maintenance inspection. The inspector verifying the final records check shall enter his initials adjacent to
the indicated form on the Final Records Checklist. The initials entered shall be registered on the Signature Sheet (table II) adjacent to that persons signature.
All personnel performing inspection and/or maintenance tasks shall place their signatures and initials on the signature sheet (table II). The
purpose of the signature sheet is to provide a correlation between initials entered on the individual checklist sheets and the actual names of the personnel
accomplishing these tasks.
After the completion of any required corrective actions to any of the components of a functional system of the aircraft,
maintenance operational checks (MOC) shall be performed on that system to determine the effectiveness of the maintenance actions performed and to verify the
proper operation of that system. These MOC shall be performed in accordance with TM 1-1500-328-23. Copies of supplemental sheets (DA Form 4676-R) may be
used to record and sign off the Maintenance Operational Checks performed.
When all required inspections in Section II have been accomplished and initialed in accordance with the above procedure, a daily
inspection in accordance with the TM specified in Section II will be performed on the aircraft to permit performance of a maintenance test flight (MTF). The MTF shall
be performed in accordance with the requirements of TM 1-1520-238-23 and TM 1-1500-328-23 using the MTF form in the MTF technical manual. A suggested
maintenance test flight checksheet (figure 4) and a rotor smoothing record (figure 5) are provided at the end of Section I.