TM 1-1520-238-PMS
C 6
1. Inspection Requirements.
This manual contains complete re-
quirements of a 10 hour/14 day inspection for the AH-64A helicopter. It
does not contain instructions for repair, adjustment, or other means of
rectifying conditions, nor does it contain instructions for troubleshooting
to find causes for malfunctioning. Specific tolerances, limits, etc., can be
found in the applicable maintenance manuals. Use of the alphabetical
index in the applicable manuals will facilitate locating the required infor-
2. Scope.
The inspections prescribed by this manual will be per-
formed at 10 hour/14 day intervals by AVUM activities with assistance of
AVIM activities when required.
3. General Information.
a. The inspection requirements contained herein are stated in such
a manner as to establish what conditions are desired/undesired. Com-
pliance with the provisions outlined herein is required in order to assure
that latent defects are discovered and corrected before malfunctioning
or serious trouble results. Inspection requirements are arranged, as
nearly as possible, according to the manner in which they will be per-
formed. The requirements are divided into groups and listed under area
headings (see figure 1).
b. The 10 hour/14 day inspection intervals will not be exceeded ex-
cept in actual operational emergencies. When operational emergencies
require helicopter operation beyond the normal inspection due-time, a
circled red x status symbol and an appropriate statement (to include au-
thority) must be entered in blocks 16 and 17 of DA Form 2408-13-1 (Air-
craft Inspection and Maintenance Record) until such time as the
inspection is complete. When inspections are delayed to meet emergen-
cy requirements, commanders will assure that such red x status helicop-
ters will be inspected immediately upon termination of the emergency.
When unusual local conditions are encountered, such as environmental
conditions, utilization, type of mission, experience of flight and mainte-
nance personnel, periods of inactivity, etc., the maintenance officer may
increase the scope and/or frequency of maintenance or inspections as
necessary to insure safe flight.
c. This manual may contain inspection requirements applicable to
specific equipment not installed in your helicopter. Those requirements
should be disregarded.
d. DA Form 2408-13-1 will be used to record all deficiencies and
shortcomings discovered during the 10 hour/14 day inspections.
4. Special Instructions.
Accidental actuation of helicopter power plant or hy-
draulic system, or firing of armament or jettison ballis-
tics may cause severe injury or death. Before starting
inspection, helicopter safety check must be per-
formed (TM 1-1520-238-23) and all armament must be
safetied, deactivated and cleared (TM 9-1090-208-23
and TM 9-1427-475-23).
a. The 10 hour/14 day inspection will be performed every ten
flight hours or fourteen days, whichever comes first. The ten flight
hour inspection interval may be extended if necessary to complete
the days mission. This means the inspection need not interrupt the
mission on the day the ten hour inspection becomes due. When the