TM 1-1520-238-PMS
C 6
mission is completed, the 10 hour/14 day inspection must be completed
before starting the next flight. In no case shall the aircraft intentionally be
scheduled for a flight that will cause it to exceed the ten hour inspection
due time by more than two hours without Commanders prior approval.
After such extension, the 10 hour/14 day inspection must be completed
before starting the next days flight. The fourteen day interval is a full two
weeks. That is, if a fourteen day inspection is done on a Tuesday, the
next fourteen day inspection will not be due until Tuesday two weeks lat-
er. Helicopters that are down, Not Mission Capable due to Supply
(NMCS), or Not Mission Capable due to Maintenance (NMCM), are de-
ferred from the 10 hour/14 day inspection until the helicopter is returned
to flyable status. When the NMCS and/or NMCM condition is cleared
from the helicopter that has been deferred, a 10 hour/14 day inspection
must be done before the first flight. It is the maintenance officers respon-
sibility to determine those inspections necessary during NMCS and/or
NMCM to preserve the helicopter. Maintenance situations and climates
vary too much to permit a definition of an adequate inspection of helicop-
ters in NMCS and/or NMCM status.
b. Accessing procedures and detailed inspection criteria can be
found in the applicable maintenance manuals. Use the alphabetical in-
dex in the applicable manuals. Unless otherwise directed, removed pan-
els and opened doors will be reinstalled and closed upon completion of
each area inspection.
c. The total manhour (M/H) requirement for a complete 10 hour/14
day inspection is 4.0 M/H.
5. Recommending Improvements.
You can help improve this
manual by calling attention to errors and by recommending improve-
ments. Your letter or DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publi-
cations, should be mailed directly to Commander, U.S. Army Aviation
and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAMMMCMA-NP, Redstone
Arsenal, AL 358985230.
6. Inspection Areas.
Inspection areas are shown in figure 1.