TM 1-1520-238-T-43–73–2.LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS (cont)3–2(4) Wheel Centering Mechanism. The wheel centering mechanism is mounted into the trailing armsocket and fork assembly and consists of a center pivot shaft, a lower cam, and an upper cam. The center pivotshaft of the fork contains two internal springs, a spring guide, and a lower cam. The lower cam is retained in thefork assembly by a headless pin through a slot in the cam which allows it to move up and down on the fork linerduring activation. The upper cam is retained in the upper cam housing assembly by a headless pin. The stationarycam mates with the lower cam. When the fork rotates it forces the lower cam down. Internal spring tension at thethe lower cam causes the the fork assembly to center when weight is removed from the TLG.(5) Wheel and Tire Assembly.The wheel and tire assembly mounts on the fork axle and consists of awheel, a tire and a tube. The tire is a 14–ply tubeless rib tread design with an inner tube installed to provide addedimpact protection. The TLG tire is inflated to 95 5 psi using dry nitrogen. Tire burst pressure is 340 psi. Thewheel is a split–rim type with the halves bolted together. Left and right taper roller anti–friction, internally mountedbearings are used to ride the axle. Two spacers are installed internally on the axle, one non–adjustable, the otheradjustable. Spacers center the wheel on the axle and a locknut provides bearing adjustment and wheel free play.M58-099ALOCK NUTAXLEADJUSTABLE SPACERBUSHING (2)WHEEL AND TIREASSEMBLYFORKASSEMBLYLOWER CAMUPPER CENTERINGCAM HOUSINGLOCKACTUATOR PINTRAILING ARMSOCKETDUST SEALAXLE ASSEMBLYSTATICGROUND CABLEMOUNT SECURINGHOLESWEAR PLATELOCKING PIN HOLETOW BARATTACHINGPOINTUPPER CAM PINCENTER PIVOT SHAFTLOWER CAM PINTAPERED AXLESPACERNON-ADJUSTABLE SPACERFigure 3–7.Fork and Axle Assembly, Wheel Centering Mechanism, and Wheel and Tire Assembly
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