TM 1-1520-238-T-4Change 95–435–20.INITIAL CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT USING AVA EQUIPMENT (cont)5–20(3) AVA’s goal is to give corrections that will drive vibration levels towards center of polar chart. Thequestion you ask when you’re viewing the polar chart is, did vibration levels move towards center of chart or gothrough center of chart. In some cases you will see vibration trend go through center of chart and overshoot toother side. This is a clear indication that the aircraft is responding to the moves in a normal manner, but theamount of move was too much. Phase information is very important and these polar charts should be used toverify reaction of aircraft. For example lets say there was an adjustment for initial, and Hover lateral went from a.40 ips to .38 ips. If the phase information was ignored one might think the vibration did not change at all, in factthis may have gone to other side of polar chart which is in fact a large move but it just went to far. See paragraph5–21, for an example of this.(4) If the vibration shoots to other side of polar plot through center, there are many variables that may havecaused this (this particular aircraft had a stronger reaction than AVA is programmed for, or an incorrect move wasmade, etc.). If there was only one move made to the rotor and it made vibration levels shoot through center, thenthe fix would to be to take some of that particular move back out (the AVA will normally recommend this indiagnostics). If there were multiple moves performed on the rotor that made vibration levels shoot through centerof polar plot, then is not as easy to determine which move caused overreaction. Recommended procedure in thiscase is to let AVA tell you what moves are required to bring vibration back, by utilizing custom solution options thatwere described earlier.e. WEIGHT ADJUSTMENTWARNINGFLIGHT SAFETY PARTThe main rotor blade is a flight safety part. Failure to follow maintenanceinstructions may result in serious injury or death of crewmembers and/orserious damage to the helicopter.NOTEThis task is typical for all four main rotor blades.a. RemovalNOTEWeights are added or subtracted tobalance main rotor. A maximum ofnine weights may be installed.(1). Remove two nuts (1) and washers (2) fromstuds (3).(2). Remove weights (4) from bracket (5).b. Cleaninga. Wipe bracket. Use cloth item 52, App F).M58-0295-1012534
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