TM 1-1520-238-T-6Change 59–6519–333. PILOT CAUTION AND WARNING SYSTEM – MAINTENANCE OPERATIONAL 9–333CHECK (cont)TaskResultm. On CPG FIRE CONTROL panel(fig. 9–234), set CPG ARM/SAFE switch toOFFand PLT/GNDORIDEto OFF. On pilotFIRE CONTROLpanel (fig. 9–220), placeMASTER switch to OFF.n. On pilot TAIL WHEEL panel (fig. 9–222),check that TAILWHEEL indicator is lighted.If TAIL WHEEL indicator is not lighted, replace lamp(TM 1-1520-238-23). If lamp still does not light, go toparagraph 9–356.o. On pilot instrument panel, check thatARM/SAFE, ENG 1 FIRE PULLand ENG 2FIRE PULLindicators(fig. 9–222) arelighted.If ARM/SAFE indicator is not lighted, replace lamp(TM 1-1520-238-23). If lamp still does not light, go toparagraph 9–357.If ENG 1 FIRE PULL indicator is not lighted, replacelamp (TM 1-1520-238-23). If lamp still does not light,go to paragraph 9–358.If ENG 2 FIRE PULL indicator is not lighted, replacelamp (TM 1-1520-238-23). If lamp still does not light,go to paragraph 9–359.M69-312ATAIL WHEELINDICATORARMINDICATORSAFEINDICATORENG 1 FIREPULLINDICATORENG 2 FIREPULLINDICATORFigure 9–222.Pilot TAIL WHEEL Panel, ARM/SAFE and ENG 1 and 2 FIRE PULL Indicatorsp. On pilot radar warning display (fig. 9–223),check that MA indicator is lighted.If MA indicator is not lighted, replace lamp(TM 1-1520-238-23). If lamp still does not light, go toparagraph 9–360.q. Deleted
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