TM 55-6930-214-10
Target control (page 580)
Visionics pointing/remote designator (page 581)
Target evaluation (page 583)
FARP control (page 592)
Malfunctions (pages 221 - 233)
Missing/independent mode (page 175)
(2) The noneditable/fixed pages contain listings and graphics that are used as
is and cannot be changed by the instructor. The instructor can make selections
from sane of these listings, but cannot otherwise modify the content of the
programs listed. Many of these listings and graphics pages are used primarily to
provide feedback or other information to the instructor. Listings from which
selections can be made include:
AMI sets (pages 201-215)
Demonstrations (pages 401-420)
Autofly sets (pages 421-460)
Target engagement exercises (pages 501-520)
Target type list (page 531)
Target site list (pages 532-535)
Weapons loading/rocket configuration (pages 590 and 591)
Indexes (pages 100,200,......900)
(3) Listings and/or graphics pages that provide feedback or other information
Cockpit discrepancies (page 170)
Target status (page 530)
Target sites overview (page 540)
Battle position (pages 301-334, 541-574)
Map symbology (page 342)
Cross-country (X-C) (pages 340, 343)
Engagement performance (pages 595-596)
Threat weapons scoring (page 594)
GCA (pages 350-351)
Flight monitor (page 180)
Ownship weapon scoring (page 597)
Remote designation (page 582)
Threat scoring graphics (page 593)
(4) The first page of each group is the index page for that group (e.g., 100,
200, up to and including 900). The first digit of each page number identifies the
grouping, and the second and third digits identify the page address within the
group (e.g., the current conditions page (CC) is CRT page 150, the target control
page is CRT page 580). In these examples, for CRT page 150 the 1 identifies the
IC/CC (initial/current conditions) grouping, and 50 is the address of CURRENT
CONDITIONS within that group. For CRT page 580, the 5 identifies the TARGET
grouping, and 80 is the address of TARGET CONTROL within that group.
(5) On pages containing data where selections can be made or the value of a
parameter changed, there is a 2-digit line reference number for each selection or
parameter. Thus, each datum has a unique 5-digit address consisting of its page
number (the first three digits) and its line number (the last two digits).
Examples of the 5-digit address are shown below. In the first example, the line
number 03 illustrates the selection of an item within a set, whereas the second
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