TM 55-6930-214-10
Section IV.
7-63. GENERAL. There are approximately 336 simulated malfunctions, systematically
arranged on 29 CRT pages, available for the CMS. These pages are used to reference
the malfunction for selection and possible insertion into the training exercise.
Malfuctions are entered into the simulated environment through the data entry key-
board. Categories of available malfunctions are indexed by system on CRT page 200.
a. Active malfunctions are displayed in the status area, and up to six active
malfunctions are displayed at one time. Up to 15 malfunctions can be active at a
b. Individual malfunctions are coded with a specific 5-digit identifier made up
of the number of the CRT page that it appears on (three digits) and the line number
(two digits) on that CRT page. Typing the 5-digit identifier and depressing ENTER
on the keyboard inserts the malfunction into simulation.
7-64. MALFUNCTION INSERTION. There are two ways of inserting malfunctions into
the simulated environment. One is manually, and the other uses automatic malfunc-
tion insertion (AMI). There are 15 sets of AMI programs available, with up to 10
malfunctions programmed for each one.
a. During simulation, a selected preprogrammed set of malfunctions can be auto-
matically entered by choosing an AMI before or during training. Up to three dif-
ferent contingent conditions/parameters can be designated for each malfunction. An
AMI can be inserted at the IOS CRT via the data entry keyboard.
b. Since the insertion of specific malfunctions is controlled and triggered by
conditions that may be beyond instructor control. and the occurrence may disrupt
training or overload a trainee at that point, the instructor receives an alert mes-
sage. Ten seconds prior to insertion of an AMI malfunction, an alert message with
the name of the malfunction flashes in the alert area of the CRT display. The in-
structor has the option at this time to allow the malfunction insertion and to mon-
itor trainee response, or to delete it. If the instructor decides to delete the
malfunction, the MALF OVERRIDE switchlight on the forward control panel must be de-
pressed. Depressing the switchlight deletes the impending malfunction for the re-
mainder of the training period without affecting the remainder of the malfunctions
in the AMI set. Once an automatic malfunction has been overridden (deleted), if
the Instructor desires, it can be inserted manually via the data entry keyboard.
7-65. MALFUNCTI0N DELETION. Active malfunctions can be deleted at any time by
either of the following methods:
Once Inserted, the malfunction can be removed by reentering the identifier.
b. Active malfunctions can also be removed by depressing the REM0VE ACTIVE MALFS
switchlight on the forward control panel.
7-66. CLEARING MALFUNCTI0NS. A11 malfunctions can be cleared by deletion except
the ones that trip circuit breakers (CB). Circuit breakers must be manually reset
after the malfunction has been deleted. When a CB malfunction is active, the cir-
cuit breaker cannot be manually reset.