TB 1-1520-238-20-78
(2) Material located in installation/unit storage, report receipt of this message in accordance with paragraph
14c(2). Upon receipt of this TB commanders and others maintaining retail stock shall contact the supported aviation
organization to perform, on all items listed in paragraph 7, the inspection required by paragraph 8 and to perform the
correction procedures of paragraph 9 on discrepant material. Report compliance with this TB in accordance with
2. Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Within 10 hours/14 days.
3. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. No
later than 15
July 1996 per paragraph 14.a of
this TB. This publication
is effective until 1 July 1998 unless sooner rescinded or superseded.
4. Summary of the Problem.
a. The current interim statement of air worthiness qualification (ISAQ) and TM 1-1520-238-23 lists a retirement life
of 5400 hours for the Fenn main rotor drive shaft. This part now has a reduced interim retirement life of 1750 hours
based on engineering review of test data.
c. The purpose of this TB is to inspect all AH-64 aircraft for drive shafts manufactured by Fenn and to change the
aircraft time change DA Form 2408-16 to reflect the interim fatigue life.
5. End Items to be inspected. All AH-64 Aircraft.
6. Assembly Components to be Inspected. N/A.
7. Parts to be Inspected.
Main Rotor Drive Shaft
Main Rotor Drive Shaft
8. Inspection Procedures.
a. Check the DA Form 2408-16 to verify the serial number of the drive shaft installed on the aircraft. Aircraft
containing Fenn parts with serial numbers 0052220001 through 005220357, from 1103 through 1111, and FM0253
through FM0263 are affected by this TB.
b. At the next phase maintenance inspection, the drive shaft should be physically inspected to verify the
manufacturing source to ensure the appropriate corrective action was taken.
9. Correction Procedures.
a. If a main rotor drive shaft is identified per paragraph 8, annotate aircraft records (DA Form 2408-16), reducing
the current retirement life of 5400 hours to an interim life of 1750 hours.
b. Any aircraft which has a Fenn manufactured drive shaft which has exceeded 1750 hours will immediately be
placed on a circle red //X// and restricted to ground run. The aircraft will be maintained in flyable storage until receipt of
the replacement shaft. All others identified, that have not exceeded the new interim life of 1750 hours will follow the
same procedure when the Fenn main rotor drive shaft reached its new interim life.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
a. Parts Required. Items cited in paragraph 7 may be required to replace retired items.
b. Requisitioning Instructions. Requisition replacement parts through normal supply channels using normal supply
procedures. All requisitions shall use project code "XB7" per this TB.
Project code "XB7" is required to track and establish a data base of stock fund expenditures
incurred by the field as a result of ASAM/SOF actions.
c. Bulk and Consumable Materials. N/A.