TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 9
If the GPS system is not keyed or is
tracking less than 4 satellites, HAS per-
formance may degrade over time. Hover
Position Box and Velocity Vector accura-
cy will be degraded.
Over time the SAS actuators may reach
saturation limit if not centered by reinitial-
izing. The ATTD/HOVER HOLD features
in pitch, roll, or yaw will be lost if satura-
tion occurs. The ATTD/HOVER HOLD
feature is a limited hands off feature and
the controls should always be monitored
Heading hold is a function of HAS. The HAS mode will
function only if: (1) the ATTD/HOVER HOLD and all ASE
channels are engaged; (2) force trim is on, and (3) air-
speed is below 50 KTAS and ground speed is less than
15 knots. Degraded conditions will occur in attitude hold
or HAS if individual ASE channel switches are not en-
gaged. The ATTD/HOVER HOLD switch will disengage
automatically when transitioning between modes; attitude
hold will disengage at approximately 55 KTAS when de-
celerating. HAS will disengage when 15 knots ground
speed or 50 KTAS is exceeded; or when ADSS fails or is
turned off.
Backup Control Systems (BUCS) are not in-
corporated on aircraft PV-529 (S/N
880199) and prior.
Backup Control System (BUCS).
Engagement of the BUCS system may
occur without Shear Pin Actuated De-
coupler (SPAD) breakout during crew
force fights if a CPG BUCS select
switch failure has also occurred.
Servoactuator LVDT probe migration
may aggravate the force fight condi-
tion. If, during a force fight with the
CPG BUCS select switch activated, a
breakout of the SPAD occurred, the
BUCS would not provide a three sec-
ond easy on and would subject the air-
craft to a large control transient. If a
BUCS engagement occurs after a con-
trol force fight, attempt to recover the
aircraft without severing the mechani-
cal controls and follow established
procedures for BUCS ON flight.
Breakout of the SPAD at the base of
the collective control will eliminate the
normal mass of the control system
and may cause the collective to move
slightly in response to rotor system
vibration. This slight movement will
be detected by the LVDT and can pro-
duce an unwanted collective pitch ap-
plication. Increasing collective friction
can eliminate this characteristic.
a. Description. The BackUp Control System
(BUCS) is a singlechannel, nonredundant, flybywire
control system that can electronically operate all four con-
trol axes. The BUCS is modeled to duplicate the mechani-
cal flight controls without the Stability Augmentation Sys-
tem (SAS) engaged. This provides identical control
authority and handling qualities as SASOFF flight in any
given flight control axis. A shear pin is located on each of
the flight control actuators and a Shear Pin Actuated De-
coupler (SPAD) is located on each control, in each
crewstation. This allows the shear pin to break and the
SPAD to decouple in the event of a control jam. This sys-
tem allows the controls to decouple regardless of where
the jam takes place. The DASEC uses Linear Variable
Displacement Transducers (LVDT) control position and