TM 1-1520-238-10
thereby controlling the crew station temperature. If, during
cold weather operations, the pilot adjusts the TEMP con-
trol to a position such that the temperature of the mixed air
would be too hot for the FABs, the temperature sensor will
automatically reduce the demanded air temperature. The
amount that the temperature sensor can reduce the de-
manded air temperature is limited.
c. ECS Caution/Warning Light.
If the air tempera-
ture in either FAB exceeds 105 F, the ECS caution/warn-
ing light will illuminate. If this occurs, the pilot should re-
duce the demanded air temperature, but not to a level that
adversely affects crew comfort, until the ECS caution/
warning light extinguishes. During hot weather operations
if the ECS caution/warning light illuminates, the pilot
should adjust the TEMP control to full COLD. In all cases
of ECS light illumination, the mission may be continued.
d. ECS Air Outlets.
Conditioned air leaving the
ENCU is routed to both crew stations. The crew stations
each have four controllable crew air outlets. The CPG sta-
tion has an additional four nonadjustable outlets to pro-
vide ECS air directly to each FAB, the TADS/PNVS turret,
and the ORT. In the ECS cooling mode the two crew sta-
tion floor outlets are closed and the waist and shoulder
outlets are open. For heating mode the crew shoulder out-
lets are closed and the waist and floor outlets are open.
The FAB and TADS/PNVS fans draw CPG cabin air for-
ward and expel it overboard. Pilot crew station air is drawn
through the electrical power center by a ventilation fan
and then exhausted into the transmission bay.
2.46.3 ECS Emergency Operation.
In the event of an
ENCU failure, the actions of the pilot depend on the nature
of the ambient temperature conditions. Crew station air
flow with the ENCU inoperative is through the pilots sta-
tion into the CPG station, and out through the FABs. Dur-
ing cold weather operations, the pilot may, at his discre-
tion, open the auxiliary ventilation door to periodically
ventilate both crew stations. No other action is required.
During hot or warm weather operations, the pilot should
open the auxiliary ventilation door to provide crew station
ventilation. If the ambient temperature is below 100 F, no
further action is recommended. If the ambient tempera-
ture is above 100 F, the NORM-STBY FAN switch on the
pilot ECS control panel should be set to the STBY FAN
position. Depending on the ambient outside air tempera-
ture, the ECS caution/warning light may illuminate if either
FAB temperature is greater than 105 F.