TM 1-1520-238-10
Table 3-6.
Z-AHP Remote Control Unit Control and Indicator Functions
Control or Indicator
ZEROIZE switch
(two-position toggle
switch housed under
a spring-loaded
Use in an emergency to delete all crypto-net variables (CNVs) from KY-58 registers. Renders
KY-58 unusable until new variables are loaded.
DELAY switch
Not used.
Set switch to C/RAD 1 (cipher radio 1) to use secure voice. Set switch to PLAIN when
operating radio in the clear.
Switch guard
Rotate to the left to prevent C/RAD1/PLAIN switch from accidentally being set to PLAIN.
MODE Switch
Set to OP (operate) to use pilots VHF radio in either the Ciphered or Plain mode. Set to LD
(load) when installing (CNV) in the TSEC/KY-58 (TM 11-5810-262-12&P). Set to RV (receive
variable) during manual remote keying (TM 11-5810-262-12&P).
POWER switch
Turns KY-58 on and off. Must be on (up) for operation in either plain or cipher mode.
FILL switch
Selects desired (CNV).
Table 3-7.
TSEC/KY-58 Control and Indicator Functions
Control or Indicator
VOLUME control
Sets audio level of pilots VHF-FM radio.
MODE switch
Set to P (Plain) to operate pilots VHF-FM radio in the clear. Set to C (Cipher) to operate
pilots VHF-FM radio in the ciphered (secure speech) mode. Set to LD (load) when installing
(CNVs) in the TSEC/KY-58 (TM 11-5810-262-12&P). Set to RV (receive variable) during
manual remote keying (TM 11-5810-262-12&P).
FILL connector
Used to load (CNVs) into the TSEC/KY-58 registers (TM 11-5810-262-12&P).
FILL switch
Pull knob and set to Z1-5 to zeroize (delete) (CNVs) in TSEC/ KY-58 registers 1- 5. Set to 1,
2, 3, 4 or 5 to select desired CNV. Pull knob and set to Z-ALL to zeroize (delete) (CNVs) in all
TSEC/ KY-58 registers. Zeroizing all registers renders TSEC/KY-58 unusable.
Power switch
Set to OFF to turn off both the TSEC/KY-58 and the pilots VHF-FM radio. Set to ON to
operate the TSEC/KY-58 and pilots VHF-FM radio. The TD (time delay) position is not used.