TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 4
3.7B.14 Net Numbers. The net number is used in the
antijamming mode in the same fashion as a radio fre-
quency in the normal mode of operation. The net number
enables multiple users to operate simultaneously on a
noninterfering basis with other users while sharing a
common WOD and TOD. There are three nets available to
the operator:
(1). Frequency Managed ANets (FMANET).
(2). Training Nets (TNET).
(3). Frequency Managed Training Nets (FMT
a. Frequency Managed ANets (FMANET). The
FMA NET provides four frequency tables or hopsets.
There are 1000 possible nets for each hopset. The fre-
quency table to be used is determined by the geographi-
cal area of operation. One large hopset has been coordi-
nated for use in NATOEurope and another large hopset
for employment in nonNATO countries. The net number
begins with an A and is followed by three digits between
000 to 999. The last two digits designate the frequency
table to be used. Nets are selected IAW ABB.BCC where:
(1). A= A (Active)
(2). BB.B= Desired Net
(3). CC = 00 basic HAVE QUICK A & B NETS.
= 25 for NATOEurope
= 50 for nonNATO Europe
= 75 for future use.
b. Training Nets (TNETS). Each Major Command is
assigned a training WOD for daily training and radio main-
tenance. Training WODs may be loaded using a single
WOD or MWOD methods. All training WODs are initial-
ized with 300.0XX in channel 20. XX sets the frequency
hop rate for the WOD in a SWOD only. In this training
mode, the radio hops between the five frequencies loaded
in with the WOD (locations 19 to 15) and five training nets
are available. As shown below, a net number ending in 00
selects a training net.
(1). A00.000
(2). A00.100
(3). A00.200
(4). A00.300
(5). A00.400
c. Frequency Managed Training Nets (FMTNET).
To expand the number of training nets available to Have
Quick users, 16 nets are available. To use the FMT nets,
16 frequencies have been loaded into the radio and are
permanently stored in the radio memory. To use the FMT
nets, a training WOD must be entered first. The FMT Nets
are numbered A00.025 through A01.525. All six charac-
ters must be selected and the last two digits must be 25.
Selection of an FMT NET greater than A01.525 or ending
in50 0r 75 will result in a pulsating tone.
3.7B.15 Loading or Changing FMT NETS.
1. CHAN Switch Set to Channel 20.
2. Function Selector Switch PRESET.
3. Frequency Switches Set to 220.075.
4. LOAD Button Lift preset frequency label cover
and push LOAD button. Listen for a single beep.
5. Function Selector Switch MNL.
6. CHAN Switch Set to appropriate memory loca-
tion (Channels 20 to 5).
7. Frequency Switches Set to select first frequen-
8. TTONE Switch Toggle to TONE and release.
Repeat steps 6 through 8 until all frequencies are loaded.
9. Frequency Switches Set to 220.000 MHz
when all frequencies have been loaded.
10. CHAN Switch Set to Channel 20.
11. Function Selector Switch PRESET.
12. LOAD Button Lift preset frequency label cover
and push LOAD button.