TM 1-1520-238-10
5. The net controller will ask you to listen for a
beep. Wait two seconds.
6. MODE switch OP.
If the MK operation was successful, the net con-
troller will contact you via the new CNV. If the
MK operation was not successful, the net con-
troller will contact you by a clear voice (plain)
transmission, tell you to set your fill switch to
position 6, and stand by while the MK operation
is repeated.
Not installed.
3.10 RADIO SET AN/ARC-201.
Radio set AN/ARC-201, consists of a panel mounted
RT-1476/ARC-201 (transceiver) (fig 3-7). The receiver-
transmitter is an airborne, (VHF) (FM) transceiver used as
part of a series of (SINCGARS). The radio set does not
have a guard channel. It has an (ECCM) frequency hop-
ping mode (FH) of operation. The radio set provides com-
munications of secure or plain voice over the frequency
range of 30 to 87.975 Mz at 25 kHz intervals. A frequency
offset tuning capability of 10 kHz, 5 kHz, +5 kHz and
+10 kHz is provided for transmitting and receiving in the
non-ECCM mode only. When used with the TSEC/KY-58
voice security system, the radio set is capable of transmit-
ting and receiving clear voice or cipher mode communica-
tions. In the installed configuration there is no retransmis-
sion or homing capability. A memory holding battery is
used to retain stored FH parameters, time and preset fre-
quencies when primary power is removed from the trans-
ceiver. The radio set receives 28 vdc from the emergency
dc bus through the VHF FM circuit breaker on the pilot
overhead circuit breaker panel.
3.10.1 Antennas.
The antennas used are the same as
the AN/ARC-186 antennas.
3.10.2 Controls and Functions.
Controls for the AN/
ARC-201 are on the front panel of the unit (fig 3-7). A dis-
play provides operator interface, depending on switch
positions and keyboard entries, for displaying manual and
preset frequencies, offset frequencies, time, CUE, and
transceiver status during self test. The function of each
switch is described in table 3-8.
Figure 3-7.
Control Panel AN/ARC-201