TM 1-1520-238-10
channel in single-channel operation or as a special signal-
ing frequency in the FH modes.
1. FUNCTION switch LD.
2. PRESET switch Number 1 through 6, as de-
3. MODE switch SC.
4. FREQ button Press. Frequency is displayed.
5. CLR button Press. Display shows all bottom
6. Keyboard Enter 5 digits for frequency.
7. Sto ENT button Press. Display blinks momen-
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each desired pre-
set channel.
c. Setting a Frequency Offset (Non-ECCM Mode
Frequency offset tuning is provided for
transmitting and receiving in the non-ECCM
mode only.
A single channel operating frequency, either manually se-
lected or preset, can be offset by +10 kHz, + 5 kHz, 5
kHz, or 10 kHz. The offsets are shown in the two right
hand digits of the display.
1. MODE switch SC.
Negative offsets are indicated on the display
by a negative sign () appearing in the cen-
ter digit position. Positive offsets are indi-
cated by no prefix. No offset is indicated by
00 in the two right side digits of the display.
2. SEnd OFST button Press. Any current valid
offset applied to the selected single channel fre-
quency will be displayed.
3. CLR button Press. Display shows all bottom
Repeated pressing of SEnd OFST button
will alternate between plus and minus off-
4. SEnd OFST button Press if a negative offset is
desired. A negative sign () will appear in the
center digit position.
5. Keyboard Enter 5 or 1 and 0. The display indi-
cates 05 or 10.
6. When a valid offset is shown on the display,
along with a minus or plus (no indication) sign,
press Sto ENT button within 7 seconds of key-
board entry. Display momentarily blinks.
7. FREQ button Press. The original operating fre-
quency with the offset added or subtracted will
be displayed.
8. To cancel an offset:
a. SEnd OFST button Press. Existing offset
will be displayed.
b. CLR button Press. Display shows all bot-
tom dashes.
c. HoLD button Press. 00 is displayed.
d. Sto ENT button Press. Operating frequen-
cy is returned to its non-offset condition.
d. Setting Frequency Hopping.
1. MODE switch FH or FH-M, depending on radio
set which is to be the master station.
2. PRESET switch Select frequency hopping net
parameters 1 through 6, as desired.
3. FUNCTION switch SQ ON or SQ OFF, as de-
e. Setting Time for Frequency Hopping.
1. FUNCTION switch LD.