TM 1-1520-238-103-52Change 3The waypoints are organized on pages as shown in table3-15.Table 3-15.WaypointsPageWaypoints1Home 1, 223, 4, 536, 7, 849, 10, 11512, 13, 14615, 16, 17718 and 19The Up/Down arrow keys can be used to scroll throughthe FPLN dictionary pages. An * is shown immediately af-ter the storage location currently being used for FLY TOcomputations and it cannot be changed until some otherlocation is chosen to FLY TO. The page has the followingdata organization:Line 1. – Displays the coordinate location data.Line 2. – Displays the magnetic variation and spheroid as-sociated with the coordinate data above it.Line 3. – Displays the next coordinate location data.Line 4. – Displays the magnetic variation and spheroid as-sociated with the coordinate data above it.Line 5. – Displays the next coordinate location data.Line 6. – Displays the magnetic variation and spheroid as-sociated with the coordinate data above it.Line 7 – Blank.Line 8. – Scratchpad for data input.3.15.3 Data Entry Procedures.The CDU display pres-ent position can be manually updated, waypoint locationsstored, FLY TO destination selected and other data en-tries made via the CDU keyboard. Keyboard entries ap-pear on the scratchpad. The CDU checks the validity of alldata entered before it transfers the data to the appropriatelocation on the display.a. General Data Entry and Data Correction. Generaldata entry and data correction procedures follow the ex-ample of PPOS, var, sph, and MODE UTM on the NAVtop level page.DATA ENTRY EXAMPLE1. Use the keyboard keys, (fig 3–11), enter the fol-lowing into the scratchpad:12SVN32620377E12C5NOTEThe last character (5) is deliberately erro-neous.Observe that each character appears onthe scratchpad, left justified, as it is en-tered.2. PPOS – Press. Observe that the scratchpad dis-play alternates between the data entered andthe prompt ERROR.3. CLR FAB – Press. Error prompt is cleared andthe data in the scratchpad has the cursor posi-tioned under the error as shown below:12SVN32620377E12C5_NOTEThe cursor is positioned under the first errordetected. If more than one error is detected,the cursor moves left to right to the next er-ror. Continue editing until all data is cor-rected.4. Enter 6. Observe that 5 changes to 6.5. PPOS – Press. Observe that the scratchpad isnow blank and lines 1 and 2 of the CDU displayappear as follows: PPOS12SVN32620377varE012.0sph CL63.15.4 Power Up Procedures.The steps in this pro-cedure list actions required (and expected CDU displayresults) to ready the DNS for flight. Refer to Data Entry(para 3.15.3 ) for detailed techniques and parameters ofsuch actions as:UTM or L/L Coordinate EntriesHover Bias CalibrationGeneral Data Entry and Error Correction
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