TM 1-1520-238-104-26Change 3Table 4-7.Pilot Aerial Rocket Control Panel/Indicator Functions – continuedControl/IndicatorFunctionSwitchNOTEThe RNG-KM thumbwheel selectors on the rocket panel are the pilotmanual range entry for ALL armament the pilot may select. Automat-ic range calculations are based on the pilot LOS and radar altitude; aflat earth model.RNG-KMLeft Thumbwheel selectorNumeralsSelects multiples of 1000 meters.ASignals for automatic range calculation to be executed. During rocket engagementstime to function fuzing data is passed by the FCC to the ARCS.Right Thumbwheel selectorNumeralsSelects multiples of 100 meters.4.20.2 Pilot Missile Control Panel.The pilot missilecontrol panel, placarded MSL (fig 4-11), is located in thepilot left console (fig 2-11). The function of each control isdescribed in table 4-8.MSLM01-086Figure 4-11.Pilot Missile Control PanelTable 4-8.Pilot Missile Control Panel Control/Indicator FunctionsControl/IndicatorPositionFunctionLOALOFFDisables Lock-On- After-Launch mode and defaults to Lock-On- Before-Launch(LOBL) missile launch mode.DIRDirect fire LOAL launch trajectory.LO, HIIndirect fire LOAL launch trajectories.LSR CODEThis is the CHAN SEL switch and used to command the missile subsystem to acceptand validate the mode, code and quantity of missiles selected. The selection ofUPPER or LOWER tells the missiles subsystem which coded missiles to establish asthe priority channel, by default, the other coded missiles are the alternate channel.
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