TM 1-1520-238-10
b. CPG:
(1) CPG ARM/SAFE switch OFF.
(2) PLT/GND ORIDE switch OFF.
4. Cockpit General.
a. Ignition key In and ON.
b. First aid kits Installed.
c. Seat cushions Conditions.
d. Restraint system Condition.
e. Canopy Check.
f. Loose equipment Secured.
5. Publications As required by DA PAM 738-751;
locally required forms and publications, and
availability of Operators Manual.
6. Fuel sample Check for first flight of day.
See figure 8-1
8.10.1 Right Side Under Side Fuselage (Area 1).
1. 30mm gun turret Check.
a. Gun mounting Check.
b. Feed chute Check.
2. Searchlight Check.
8.10.2 Right Side Lower Center Fuselage (Area 2).
1. Radar warning antenna Check.
2. Forward avionics bay Check.
3. Static port Unobstructed.
4. Right main landing gear Check.
5. Portable fire extinguisher Check.
*6. Refueling panel Secure door.
7. Forward gravity fuel cap Secure.
8. Single point fuel access Secure.
8.10.3 Right Side Mast (Area 3).
*1. Main transmission Check oil level.
*2. Nose gearbox Check oil level, oil cap secured,
cowling secure.
3. Engine inlet Unobstructed.
*4. Engine oil level Check and secure door.
5. Upper flight controls and swashplate Check.
*6. Main rotor head and blades Check.
8.10.4 Right Side Wing (Area 4).
1. Wing Check.
2. Pylons Check.
When icing conditions exist, or are predicted
and HELLFIRE operations are expected,
launcher arm/safe switch located on each
HELLFIRE launcher must be manually
placed in the ARM position prior to liftoff. It is
possible for this switch to be rendered inop-
erative by icing.
3. HELLFIRE Check as follows:
a. Launcher ARM/SAFE switch As required.
b. Launcher mounting Check that aft and for-
ward attach lugs are secure to rack. Rack
swaybrace bolts firmly against launcher
swaybrace pads.
c. Electrical connector Check that HELL-
FIRE harness cannon plug is connected to
launcher. Jettison quick-disconnect lanyard
is attached to connector plug and rack.