TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 3
d. Missile installation Check that each mis-
sile is seated and hold-back latch is locked.
4. Rocket launcher Check as follows:
a. Electrical connector Check that rocket
harness connector plug is connected to
launcher and jettison quick disconnect lan-
yard is attached to connector plug and rack.
b. Launcher Check launcher exterior and
tube interiors for damage and corrosion.
c. Rocket installation Check that rocket aft
end is secure in launcher tube aft detent.
Note number and zones of rocket loading.
d. Igniter arms Check for damage and corro-
sion. Check arms are in contact with rock-
5. External fuel tanks Check.
6. Pitot tube Check tube unobstructed.
7. Wing lighting Check condition of anticollision,
navigation and formation lights.
8. Ammunition bay access Secure.
8.10.5 Right Side Rear Center Fuselage (Area 5).
Ensure that nacelle access doors are prop-
erly latched and secured.
1. Nacelle fire louvers Check open.
*2. APU oil level Check and secure door.
3. Aft gravity fuel cap Check security.
4. Aft avionics bay Secure door.
5. APU exhaust Check.
6. IR suppressor/engine exhaust Check.
*7. Utility hydraulic accumulator Check hydraulic
pressure (2600 psi minimum).
8. Survival kit bay Check and secure door.
9. External power receptacle Access door closed
if external power source is not used.
10. Belly antennas Check.
8.10.6 Right Side Aft Fuselage/Empennage (Area 6).
1. Aft tailboom and empennage (right side)
2. Stabilator Check.
3. Tail landing gear Check.
8.10.7 Left Side Aft Fuselage/Empennage (Area 7).
1. Empennage Check.
2. FM-AM whip antenna Check.
3. GPS antenna Check.
4. Tail rotor, controls, hub, and blades Check.
5. Stabilator Check.
8.10.8 Left Side Rear Center Fuselage (Area 8).
Ensure that nacelle access doors are prop-
erly latched and secured.
1. Aft tailboom Check.
2. Transmission deck catwalk area for FOD, fire
bottles for charge and APU enclosure for securi-
3. Transmission deck catwalk doors Check secu-
4. Survival kit bay Check and secure door.
5. IR suppressor/engine exhaust Check.
6. Aft storage bay Check and secure door.
7. Nacelle fire louvers Check open.
*8. Fire extinguisher disc Check that yellow disc is
9. Ammunition bay access Secure.