TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 9
When shutting down an engine that
has malfunctioned in flight, it is impor-
tant to identify the malfunctioning en-
gine to avoid shutting the wrong en-
gine down.
Monitor TGT after shutdown. If TGT
rises above 540 C, or there is evi-
dence of combustion as indicated by a
rapid rise in TGT, place the engine
START switch in IGN OVRD position
and motor engine until TGT decreases
below 540 C.
e. The term EMER ENG SHUTDOWN is defined as
engine shutdown without delay. Engine shutdown in flight
is usually not an immediate-action item unless a fire ex-
ists. Before attempting an engine shutdown, identify the
affected engine by checking engine-out warning lights,
torque meters, TGT indicators, NG, Np, and engine oil
pressure indicators.
f. Other terms may be defined, as necessary, to sim-
plify the procedural memory steps within the existing
emergency procedures. The term can then be used as an
emergency procedure step instead of the steps used to
define it. EXAMPLE: The term EMER ENG SHUTDOWN
is defined as engine stoppage without delay and is ac-
complished as follows:
1. PWR lever (affected engine) OFF.
2. FUEL switch (affected engine) OFF.
After a malfunction of equipment has occurred, appropri-
ate emergency actions have been taken and the helicop-
ter is on the ground, an entry shall be made in the Re-
marks Section of DA Form 2408-13-1 describing the
malfunction. Ground and flight operations shall be discon-
tinued until corrective action has been taken.
Emergency exits and equipment are shown in figure 9-1.
Activation of the canopy removal sys-
tem when combustible fuel/vapors are
present in the cockpit can result in an
explosion/fire. An explosion/fire can
also occur if the aircraft has rolled on
its side and fuel/vapors have gathered
on the ground adjacent to the canopy
side panels. The crewmembers sur-
vival knife may be used to fracture the
canopy side panels as an alternate
means of egress.
Rotate the CANOPY JETTISON handle
to the ARM (90) position and release.
Push the jettison handle to actuate the
canopy jettison. Continuing to twist
the jettison handle while trying to
push may cause the actuator piston to
jam and thereby prevent operation of
the canopy severance system. If cano-
py jettison does not occur on the first
attempt, ensure the jettison handle is
in the 90 position, and push again. A
push force of 140 150 lbs may be re-
quired to overcome the jam and initi-
ate canopy jettison.
In the event that canopy jettison does
not occur when the canopy removal
system is actuated, the personal sur-
vival knife should be used to fracture
the canopy panel and permit egress.