TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 10
9.4.1 Emergency Egress.
If emergency egress is required be-
fore the rotor blades have stopped,
ensure cyclic remains centered.
BATT and FORCE TRIM switches
shall be left on to prevent rotors
from striking the aircraft or person-
In all cases of canopy jettison, re-
main clear of canopy side panels to
avoid high velocity canopy frag-
Emergency egress is accomplished by exiting through
the emergency exits. If possible, use the manual canopy
opening handles to exit the aircraft. To permit emergen-
cy egress by the pilot and CPG from the helicopter, the
transparent portion of the four canopy side panels can
be jettisoned by activating a detonation cord. Turning
90 and pushing any of three CANOPY JETTISON han-
dles will initiate canopy side panel jettison. If emergency
egress becomes necessary, proceed as follows:
1. Helmet visors Down.
2. Area around helicopter-clear of personnel.
3. CANOPY JETTISON handle Either crew
member turn 90 release, then push.
9.4.2 Emergency Entrance.
If it becomes necessary
to jettison the canopy to gain entrance in case of an
1. Canopy emergency release door Open.
2. Area around helicopter Clear of personnel at
least 50 feet from all canopy side panels.
3. CANOPY JETTISON handle Turn 90 re-
lease, then push to jettison canopy.